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  1. Legislation
  2. AB 2098, Medical Misinformation Bill, is Repealed
AB 2098, Medical Misinformation Bill, is Repealed
When the Calif. Legislature passed AB 2098 last year, many of us were in disbelief. AB 2098, (also known as the Doctor Gag Bill), prevented doctors from providing any information […]
by Aria Morgan,
September 21, 2023
Lady Justice Statue

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When the Calif. Legislature passed AB 2098 last year, many of us were in disbelief. AB 2098, (also known as the Doctor Gag Bill), prevented doctors from providing any information for the treatment of COVID-19 which contradicted the “scientific consensus,” under penalty of losing their license to practice medicine in the State of California! Free Now Foundation is proud that we have ties to two of the four lawsuits which helped dismantle AB 2098.

AB 2098 was unconstitutional. Soon after it passed, four lawsuits were filed; we are grateful and honored to have ties to two of these four lawsuits.

Free Now Foundation’s* legal counsel collaborated with Children’s Health Defense National on one of the lawsuits against AB 2098. As the California Chapter of CHD (at that time*), we served as a co-plaintiff in this lawsuit, alongside Physicians for Informed Consent and Dr. LeTrinh Hoang. The plaintiffs’ main attorney for the lawsuit, Rick Jaffe, obtained a preliminary injunction against AB 2098, which stopped the law from being enacted until our case went to trial. 

Free Now Foundation is equally proud of our Board Member, Dr. Jeff Barke, who served as co-plaintiff with Dr. Mark McDonald against AB 2098. Barke and McDonald were represented by the Liberty Justice Center. 

Our lawsuits help nudge government bureaucrats back into following the law; sometimes repealing unconstitutional legislation before cases go to trial. Lawsuits can force changes because politicians and governmental agencies don’t want to be sued, especially when the law is against them. Even though AB 2098 was repealed before our lawsuit was heard in court and “won” on its own merits, we believe the pressure of these lawsuits helped kill this bad law. 

The question now remains: what happens to brave doctors like Dr. Michael Huang, who refused to be silenced, and thus lost his license to practice medicine in the State of CA? We hope that justice is served for Dr. Huang and for all the other doctors who suffered as a result of AB 2098.

Free Now Foundation is dedicated to fighting censorship, protecting civil liberties, and keeping the government out of the patient-doctor and parent-child relationships. The quiet repeal of AB 2098 is a perfect example of the power of our lawsuits. Your donation helps us fight future battles, in and out of the courts.


*When this lawsuit was filed, in Dec. 2022, Free Now Foundation and our legal counsel was operating as the California Chapter of CHD. For more information on our lawsuits, tax-exempt status and other legal matters, please visit our Legal page.

Aria Morgan
About the Author, Aria Morgan

Aria Morgan, a UCLA Honors graduate, is a passionate advocate for civil rights, medical freedom, and free expression. As the Director of Content at Free Now Foundation and former Managing Editor of Children’s Health Defense-CA, she brings a wealth of experience to her role. Beyond her role at Free Now Foundation, Aria is a health and wellness educator, helping individuals with injuries and chronic conditions. Her diverse professional experiences are underpinned by her unwavering commitment to protecting individual freedoms and promoting wellness for all.


  1. Kenneth Stoller

    The docs that got thrown under the bus are still under the bus. Many in the administrative state have been preparing for the techno-tyranny for a long time, and have been expunging physicians who they think might interfere with their plans for many years now.

    Some think SB 277 was in fact a trap laid out for those physicians who would not only prioritize their patients needs over public health policy, but would blow the whistle on the COVID bioweapon project that many knew was in the works for years.

    Get rid of those who might stop the plan from being implemented.

  2. Matthew Becker

    Monumental win for the medical freedom movement.


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