The Free Now Foundation
Our mission is to protect and preserve civil liberties and health rights for all, with a focus on children.
Free Now Foundation originally operated as the California Chapter of Children’s Health Defense but is now a fully independent 501c3 non-profit. Since early 2020, we have been informing families about their fundamental legal rights, providing self-help legal resources to oppose unlawful school and employment jab and mask requirements. We engage in strategic lawsuits to challenge the illegal mandates in California, which have been among the most restrictive in the country.
We aggressively pursue lawsuits against rogue school districts that force experimental injections onto our children and that implement harmful masking, testing, and quarantine policies. We sue county boards of supervisors to compel these governing bodies to comply with their statutory duties to review local conditions and hold public meetings in order to keep declared “emergencies” in place.
We will continue with these critical lawsuits and consider other meritorious actions that help to protect our children and restore freedom and sanity.
We need your help! Please consider donating to our legal fund or joining Legal Warriors Club, and help get the word out to families across California about the right to informed consent and the importance of medical freedom. Let’s create a healthy, joyful, and free future for our children!