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  2. Make History With Us: Join Our Lawsuit to Bring Back Medical Exemptions in CA
Make History With Us: Join Our Lawsuit to Bring Back Medical Exemptions in CA
Help us make medical exemptions a reality for vulnerable children and their families. Our legal team has the best winning record of any other team in California. California state coffers have allocated over $300 MILLION to fight anyone who challenges vaccine mandates. We're asking for $300,000 to fight the beast of California. Will you help us?
by Aria Morgan,
April 4, 2024
Free Now Foundation Legislation

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Free Now Foundation is thrilled and honored to spearhead a winning strategy lawsuit against the State of California to bring back vaccination medical exemptions for children and families.

When California governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 276 into law in 2019, medical exemptions became practically obsolete. Doctors who took care of their most vulnerable patients and issued legitimate medical exemptions were attacked by the State. Many lost their license, a process which immediately nullified all previously issued exemptions. A tremendous vaccine-centric exodus out of CA ensued: only those who were able to shoulder the financial burden of living on just one income, with one parent dedicated to full-time homeschooling, remained.

2020’s COVID-19 debaucle exposed the public to the dangers of vaccine mandates and the medical police state — an unforeseen opportunity which tipped the public scales in our favor. More parents and families than ever before now question the entire vaccine schedule.

The time is ripe for a lawsuit which challenges the frail legal pillars upon which SB 276 stands. Our beloved Chairman Alix Mayer explains more!

A letter from our Chairman, Alix Mayer

NEW LAWSUIT – Help Us Challenge Unlawful Barriers to CA’s Medical Exemptions!

The Law is on Our Side!

For five long years, vaccination for children to attend school in California has been de facto compulsory, putting many vulnerable children at risk. We now believe the law is on our side! Free Now Foundation is thrilled to announce we will directly challenge the unlawful barriers to medical exemptions set up in California.

New FNF lawsuit medical vaccine exemptions

No parent should have to risk a child’s health to access education. Please help us if you feel moved to make history in California, and want California children who need medical exemptions to both attend school and remain safe from the potential harms of vaccination. Every dollar donated to Free Now Foundation supports our legal efforts and our critical medical freedom work, and it will be matched 100% up to $38,000, to double the donations, thanks to a few very generous donors who are banking on their enthusiasm being shared by many! The Free Now Foundation board will not let us add this new suit if we don’t meet our funding goals.

We must eject the State from the doctor-patient and parent-child relationships! I know we have all felt hopeless for many reasons.

In 2020, Newsom signed a bill called SB276 into law. California lost the medical exemption to vaccination for children to attend public and private school. Though the law is written to make us think there are “outs,” multiple doses of ten vaccines are now basically required for school attendance in California. This leaves only two viable options: home school or leave the state.

This law has broken up families. Families have moved out of state to avoid mandates that they know will harm their children. Grandparents have been abandoned in California.

This law has forced two-income families to rely on one income, while one parent homeschools the children to avoid the mandates.

CA Gov Gavin Newsom

California doctors won’t write exemptions due to the extremely hostile environment created by SB276. The bill initially included language that a doctor could only write an exemption under penalty of perjury, which, if convicted, involves jail time. Thank all the activists for stripping that from the bill.

The law even specifies that only a California doctor can write a medical exemption. No out-of-state doctors can help our children.

Furthermore, doctors must register every exemption into CAIR-ME, a medical exemption database which flags the student as an exception. The thousands of parents who trekked to Sacramento again and again in 2019 to voice their opposition to SB276 understandably feared this database would be treated as an “anti-vaxxer” database.

All new medical exemptions must, by law, be routed to the Department of Public Health (DPH,) which should not be practicing medicine. We have heard the DPH is over-turning all legitimate exemptions, without even meeting or examining the patient.

Those of us who fought at the Capitol remember SB276 bill author Dr. Richard Pan lying to us again and again. He’s the California Senator who said with a straight face that the most dangerous ingredient in vaccines is water… due to drownings! Four years prior to his push for SB276, he sponsored a bill to remove the personal belief exemption from vaccination, which had included religious exemptions. We fought so hard, and lost. Yet, after taking away the personal belief and religious exemption in 2015, Senator Pan said he would leave a robust medical exemption. Lie. Senator Pan was already planning his knock-out punch. In 2019, he sponsored SB276 to abolish the medical exemption, leaving us with no viable avenue to get a personal belief, religious or medical exemption from vaccination.

School Districts have no authority to mandate vaccines

And that’s the way it’s been for five long years. But, the winning Free Now Foundation attorney team – the ones who slapped down illegal COVID shot mandates at public schools during lockdowns, and more – are partnering with another attorney team that specializes in an area of federal law which supercedes state mandate law. Together, they have crafted an exciting legal case to get legitimate medical exemptions from vaccination for children who need them.

We can’t share too much about the suit until it’s filed, but we know the path will work because the approach is already working in certain cases. We aim to legitimize it by winning a lawsuit so families with vulnerable children can take advantage of the law.

Yes, you heard that right! The law is on our side.

We just have to prove it in court.

No Vax Mandates

We also seek the perfect plaintiff for this new medical exemptions case. Please see below if you are interested in being considered, and forward to anyone who may have such a plaintiff.



We need to raise $300K very quickly to file this new suit and to support our ongoing 3-case COVID portfolio. As I said above, if we don’t meet our funding goal, the Free Now Foundation board will not allow us to add this new case to bring back the medical exemption.

Anything you can do to support this case and our other legal work is appreciated. Again, every dollar will be matched 100% up to $ 38,000! There is no better time to give than now. If you know someone who would also like to be part of changing the law in California, please forward this email to them.

There is so much excitement about this suit. If you feel moved to make a larger donation, please reach out to us at and Judy Julin or I will get right back to you.

In solidarity,

Alix Mayer signature


Alix Mayer, MBA

Chairman, Free Now Foundation

ADA graphic



If you are a student with a disability or a parent of a student with a disability, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), who was or has been unable to secure a medical exemption (“ME”) to the K-12 school vaccine requirements due to the numerous barriers to prevent disabled children from obtaining them; OR

If you are a doctor or other medical professional who has been unable to write or otherwise advocate for a medical exemption for a child/student with a disability due to the restrictions contained in the CAIR-ME system, and the unlawful requirements of SB 276, we want to hear from you!

Please fill out our Medical Exemption Intake Form, and let us know your story and how to reach you if you are within these parameters. After filling out your intake form, please download it and email to

Aria Morgan

About the Author, Aria Morgan

Aria Morgan, a UCLA Honors graduate, is a passionate advocate for civil rights, medical freedom, and free expression. As the Director of Content at Free Now Foundation and former Managing Editor of Children’s Health Defense-CA, she brings a wealth of experience to her role. Beyond her role at Free Now Foundation, Aria is a health and wellness educator, helping individuals with injuries and chronic conditions. Her diverse professional experiences are underpinned by her unwavering commitment to protecting individual freedoms and promoting wellness for all.


  1. Valerie Sales

    hello! I was interested in this new case as I have two high school students who will not be able to attend their school next Fall, due to not having vaccines. Would would it entail being a plaintiff on this case?

  2. Monica Wilson

    I’m interested in the new case involving vaccine exemption, my granddaughter is starting Kindergarten and she is unable to attend school base on her having a Federal Exemption but CA will not honor it.

    • Aria Morgan

      Hi Monica, Thank you so much for reaching out to us. I will personally email you some more information and how to get involved. For anyone else curious about this, please reference our article published on 8.21, called “Federal Waiver Case Update.” Thank you!


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