It’s just to keep everyone safe. It’s just two weeks to flatten to curve. It’s just 15 days to slow the spread. It’s just a shut down (we mean lockdown.)
Free Now News .
This Just In !
Make History With Us: Join Our Lawsuit to Bring Back Medical Exemptions in CA
Help us make medical exemptions a reality for vulnerable children and their families. Our legal team has the best winning record of any other team in California. California state coffers have allocated over $300 MILLION to fight anyone who challenges vaccine mandates. We’re asking for $300,000 to fight the beast of California. Will you help us?
Legal Warriors Club Zoom Q&A
An exclusive quarterly video call with the Free Now Foundation legal team is scheduled for March 4, 2024. Ask our legal team your questions!
AB 957: Children Could Become Wards of the State
AB 957 will strip parents of their custodial rights if they “do not affirm” their child’s chosen gender. How do YOU feel about this?
Kent Heckenlively Interviews Free Now Foundation Chairman Alix Mayer for Autism One
This compelling interview with Kent Henckenlively is just under 45 minutes long. If you haven't heard Alix Mayer's story before, you will...
We Educate and Empower!
Free Now Foundation is actively engaged in community participation and empowerment. Our West L.A. Hospital Resources gathering drew over...
Dr. Huang’s story is Going Viral! What REALLY happened between the State of CA and Dr. Huang?
Dr. Huang was known for stating, “DO NOT call it a vaccine.” This is ‘GENE THERAPY.’ ” He treated thousands injured by this mRNA gene...
Glyphosate – The Secret Poisoning of America.
How big business is getting rich from poisoning Americans and their kids, and why Monsanto, which is also behind the famous mass...
Urinating Blood and STILL denied a Medical Exemption!
Alix Mayer, Chairman of Free Now Foundation, talks to The Epoch Times about the severity of side-effects experienced by one Santa Clara...
Dr. Huang, Medical Freedom Fighter, is Shut Down by the State of CA
Repost from @growthfactororg Dr. Michael Huang was a brave physician in California who treated vaccine-injured patients, wrote vaccine and...