College Parent Letter re Mandate
Parents and students facing college COVID-19 injection mandates can personalize and use this science-based letter to urge the college to change its coercive policies and to let students get back to normal.
On August 11, 2022, the CDC updated its COVID-19 guidance. In light of this new guidance, we are writing to urge you to immediately remove your vaccine/booster mandate and all other restrictions that differentiate between the unvaccinated and the vaccinated members of your community
Our children have all suffered great physical and psychological harms from prolonged and senseless mask mandates in schools. Use this Mask Exemption Demand Template to declare your child ‘exempt’ from mask wearing on the basis of medical and/or mental health conditions. Note: You do not need to disclose any further medical/mental health information. Demand your child’s right to breathe free NOW.
Uniform Complaint Procedure Powerpoint
This PowerPoint gives an overview to parents on how to file a Uniform Complaint against bad actors in your child’s school. We often hold trainings on alternate Mondays at 5pm to go over these powerpoint and materials in more detail.
If your student has had enough with COVID-19 safety theatre and “rules for thee but not for me” governance and plans to attend school without a mask, parents may be called to pick them up. Use/modify this template letter to tell your school principal that your child will not be wearing an unsafe and ineffective mask any longer and demand that the school provides ACTUAL evidence that masks are safe and effective!
Notice of Non-Consent to Medical Procedures
This document expressly notifies schools, principals, teachers, and/or other school officials of parental non-consent to medical procedures on their children — including masks, testing, and/or Covid-19 vaccination. Parents using this form should modify it to suit their particular situation. Don’t let schools assume you have given any form of ‘implied consent’ to perform medical procedures on your child.
Under California law, Children on Individual Education Programs (IEPs) should be exempt from mandatory immunization requirements as conditions for in-person schooling. This guide provides an in-depth look at the law and may help parents who are fighting against schools trying to impose a CV-19 vaccine mandate for their children on IEPs.
Senate Bill 277 (SB 277) removed the option to file a Personal Belief Exemption for the vaccines currently required for school attendance. California law is very clear that if the CDPH does add a new immunization requirement, both medical and personal belief exemptions must be allowed. Before SB 277, Personal Belief Exemptions were requested using a CDPH form. At this time, no additional vaccines have been added through the proper channels and CDPH has not provided any information on what constitutes a valid Personal Belief Exemption.
Objection to College/University COVID-19 Policies
Use this letter to object to the coercive policies at your college or university, including requirements for vaccination, testing, and masking. This letter also formally serves notice to the college or university that side effect from these interventions are real and they could be liable for damages.
As a student/staff/faculty at an institution, use this form to request detailed information including the university policies and data relied upon to create them, in regards to a requirement that students/staff/faculty get a COVID-19 emergency use authorization (EUA) experimental vaccine.
Sample Letter to Princeton University
This letter was written to Princeton University, but serves as a good example of how to educate your college or university about Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) and the legal limitations surrounding them, including the prohibition against mandating drugs or vaccines distributed under an EUA.
COVID-19 vaccine “clinics” have been set up at many schools, circumventing informed consent and troubling parents. This letter can be used as a template for informing your school of the legal requirements around EUA vaccines, including informed consent.
Free Now Foundation is not a law firm and cannot offer individual legal advice. However, we recognize that resisting tyranny requires each of us to become better informed about the law, our legal rights, and how to use the law to respond to the illegal policies that are quickly spreading among our schools and places of employment.