Objection to Employer COVID-19 Policies
Use this letter to object to the coercive policies at your job, including requirements for vaccination, testing, and masking. This letter also formally serves notice to your employer that side effects from these interventions are real and they could be liable for damages.
As an employee, use this form to request detailed information including your employer’s policies and data relied upon to create them, in regards to a requirement that employees get a COVID-19 emergency use authorization (EUA) experimental vaccine.
Getting a religious exemption is not easy in this current environment, and might not necessarily get you the accommodations you request, even if granted. The following document by a seasoned Human Resources manager explains the typical interactive process as well as the steps you should take to make sure that your employer follows Title VII requirements.
Free Now Foundation is not a law firm and cannot offer individual legal advice. However, we recognize that resisting tyranny requires each of us to become better informed about the law, our legal rights, and how to use the law to respond to the illegal policies that are quickly spreading among our schools and places of employment.