Religious Exemption Template for Students
Customize this template to reflect your sincerely held beliefs, then submit this to your school to request an exemption from a mandated vaccine or other health protocol.
Religious Exemption Template for Employees
Customize this template to reflect your sincerely held beliefs, then submit this to your employer to request an exemption from a mandated vaccine or other health protocol.
Guide to Writing Religious Exemption Requests
U.S. colleges/universities and some employers are starting to require COVID-19 vaccination for enrollment/employment. While medical exemptions must be supported by a letter from a medical professional, religious exemptions do not require the support or endorsement of an official clergy or recognized religious leader.
Get information on how to claim a religious exemption from a vaccine, test, or mask mandate from Peggy Hall at The Healthy American.
Free Now Foundation is not a law firm and cannot offer individual legal advice. However, we recognize that resisting tyranny requires each of us to become better informed about the law, our legal rights, and how to use the law to respond to the illegal policies that are quickly spreading among our schools and places of employment.