Liberty Forum welcomed Alix Mayer on August 13 to deliver the Mayer Medical Liberty Moment. This month Alix focuses on the California groups that committed the most egregious acts under COVID lockdowns. And she announced Free Now Foundation’s new lawsuit to bring back the legitimate medical exemption to California children.
California’s COVID Lockdown Hall of Shame List
Free Now Foundation defends medical freedom in the courts, and has wins in more than half of our TEN COVID-era cases. Here is the California Hall of Shame…inspired by Free Now Foundation cases, otherwise known as “Why Free Now Foundation Sues the Crap Out of Schools and Governmental Bodies in California.”
- The School Board at Piedmont School District knew they were breaking two laws by mandating COVID shots onto children. They were recorded on a Zoom meeting, and despite their mandate being doubly illegal, they laughed and said “our mandate is better!”
- Piedmont’s COVID shot mandate went down to age 5! If children didn’t get untested COVID shots, Piedmont forced children into Independent Study, which is to be voluntary, by law. Independent Study involves reading packets of material – there was no explanation of how a 5 year old would read independent study packets to learn how to read.
- When LAUSD wanted to get back to in-person learning so they could get more government funding, they invited the students back to campus! So, the children came back and sat in front of computers watching Zoom all day. They were supervised in the classroom, but it was NOT their teacher supervising them! The teachers were at home teaching them on Zoom, and adults considered less expendable than teachers monitored the children in the classroom!
- An administrator at LAUSD bribed an under-privileged child to get a COVID shot by offering him a slice of pizza. He was gravely injured.
- At Santa Clara University, a beloved private Jesuit school, they offered COVID shot religious exemptions to faculty and staff, but not students.
- At Santa Clara University, our lead plaintiff Harlow Glenn was forced to get one Pfizer shot. She went to the emergency room with numbness from the waist down and urinating blood. She was acutely ill for months! Santa Clara’s Dr. Osofsky then still denied a medical exemption saying if she’d been admitted to the hospital instead of JUST being in the ER, they could have granted her medical exemption request, so she would have to endanger her life and continue getting COVID shots to stay on campus.
- Loyola Marymount U had segregated housing for vaccinated and unvaccinated students and required armbands to indicate vaccination status.
- Alameda Supervisors told our attorneys they had assessed local emergency conditions for COVID, as required by law, yet there was no record of such a meeting. When our attorneys asked them “when was that meeting!?,” they said it was behind closed doors! Did they really meet in private, or did they violate the Brown Act for not meeting in public? Either way, they broke the law.
- Supervisors in Orange County kept extending the COVID emergency to continue their gravy train of COVID Cash. EACH supervisor in Orange County received $13 million to give to a charity of their choice, with ZERO oversight from the other supervisors. Supervisor Do gave his $13 million to a charity his college-aged daughter had newly formed.
Alix Mayer is Chairman and co-founder of Free Now Foundation, since April 2023. In the 1990s, at the age of 29, Alix ran a worldwide research group at Apple until the Hepatitis B vaccine physically disabled her and gave her brain damage. She calls her decades-long disability her “Runner-up Darwin Award” for not researching vaccines prior to rolling up her sleeve. After gaining a substantial recovery, she worked as a health consultant for a decade, before retiring and volunteering 100% of her time to serve on the Board at Children’s Health Defense and co-found the California Chapter of CHD, where she served as Board Chairman.
Alix’s presentation on the creation of the fake “Supra-emergency” to suspend our Bill of Rights during lockdowns was recognized by Dr. Mercola as one of his “Best of 2022” interviews. She has also been interviewed by Steve Kirsch, Steve Bannon, Mike Adams of Natural News, and many others. She speaks regularly, including on Clay Clark’s Re-Awaken America tour, Defeat the Mandates LA, COVIDCON, and at many rallies and protests.
Alix grew up in the Oscar Mayer family. She is a graduate of Duke University (BA) and the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University.