It’s just to keep everyone safe. It’s just two weeks to flatten to curve. It’s just 15 days to slow the spread. It’s just a shut down (we mean lockdown.)
Free Now News .
This Just In !
Court Ruling Means California Schools Can Violate Students’ Rights When Following Public Health Orders
UPDATE: This article is now going viral on ZeroHedge. We hope this raises awareness about the injustice of this case and helps us raise much-needed funds. We are so proud of our Editor-in-Chief, Kristin Lang, whose Op-Ed regarding the Palicke case was published in The Epoch Times and made headway on KPFK.
The Third War on “Terror”
Free Now Foundation Chairman Alix Mayer wonders, If 9/11 and COVID-19 had a baby, what would it be?
Mayer’s article explores the weaponization of security as a nearly imperceptible, slow-crawl attack on our personal freedoms.
Sudden Deaths of Vaxxed Athletes, Students, Pilots, Military, but Why No Politicians?
This article was originally published by Katy Grimes, the Editor in Chief of The California Globe on February 14, 2024: “Members of the California Assembly and Senate were exempted from COVID vaccine mandates – so was Congress and Biden’s Executive Branch,…”
OC Supervisor Secretly Funneled Millions in Covid Funds to Daughter’s Charity
An investigation into the misuse of Coronavirus relief funds is going on right now in our own backyard. Learn about the latest corruption in Southern California and how it bolsters the allegations in our Orange County Board of Supervisors lawsuit.
Texas Sues Pfizer for Allegedly Misrepresenting Its COVID-19 Vaccine’s Efficacy
The Epoch Times JUST printed this article and we wanted to make sure you all saw it! Access the article at this link to read in its...
Kent Heckenlively Interviews Free Now Foundation Chairman Alix Mayer for Autism One
This compelling interview with Kent Henckenlively is just under 45 minutes long. If you haven't heard Alix Mayer's story before, you will...
We Educate and Empower!
Free Now Foundation is actively engaged in community participation and empowerment. Our West L.A. Hospital Resources gathering drew over...
Plandemic 3 : The Great Awakening
Summary: The Great Awakening is part three in the highly successful Plandemic documentary series. Plandemic’s first episode — just 26...
Free Now Foundations’ Lawsuit Goes VIRAL With SCU Article!
On July 11, Lucia Sinatra of No College Mandates published an article in the Brownstone Institute that mentions our Santa Clara University...