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Explain the Side Effects of Vaccines to Your Loved Ones
Do you or does someone you know suffer from allergies, asthma or an autoimmune condition like type I diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease, multiple sclerosis, or even chronic Lyme disease? Have you ever thought about when that condition developed and why?
by Alix Mayer,
August 21, 2024

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Have you been looking for a way to explain the side effects of vaccines to your loved ones? During a deep meditation, Alix was “visited” by her late uncle who died after living with multiple sclerosis for decades. That uncle told her to make a presentation to help loved ones understand the connection between vaccines and allergies, asthma and autoimmunity.

Alix shares that presentation with Stephen Frost and Charles Kovess with their global Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics (MD4CE) group. Following that presentation is a robust Q&A, and then a second presentation about how we are descending into Digital Communism. Tune in for the first one only, or stay for both!

First Presentation: Allergies, Asthma & Autoimmunity: Bad Luck or Common Cause?

Do you or does someone you know suffer from allergies, asthma or an autoimmune condition like type I diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease, multiple sclerosis, or even chronic Lyme disease? Have you ever thought about when that condition developed and why? What if it would be a disaster for the medical system to admit we do know the cause in most cases? Free Now Foundation Chairman Alix Mayer will share her research, and how you can determine from your own medical records if your condition may have a cause. Remember: genetics may load the gun, but environment pulls the trigger. And if you know the root cause, fresh treatment options may open up for you. Alix also likes to call this presentation ABV, or Anything But Vaccines.

Second Presentation: DIGITAL COMMUNISM

Weaponized architecture, like a cattle slaughter maze, is not always visible. Humanity is in an invisible weaponized architecture designed to lead humans to the point of no return: mass adoption of the vaccine passport, the platform for the Digital ID which will usher in a new global governance method: Digital Communism. Watch as Alix walks us through the behavior modification that morphed the relatively benign credit card into the Digital ID.

Alix Mayer

About the Author, Alix Mayer

Alix Mayer is Chairman and co-founder of Free Now Foundation, since April 2023. In the 1990s, at the age of 29, Alix ran a worldwide research group at Apple until the Hepatitis B vaccine physically disabled her and gave her brain damage. She calls her decades-long disability her “Runner-up Darwin Award” for not researching vaccines prior to rolling up her sleeve. After gaining a substantial recovery, she worked as a health consultant for a decade, before retiring and volunteering 100% of her time to serve on the Board at Children’s Health Defense and co-found the California Chapter of CHD, where she served as Board Chairman.

Alix’s presentation on the creation of the fake “Supra-emergency” to suspend our Bill of Rights during lockdowns was recognized by Dr. Mercola as one of his “Best of 2022” interviews. She has also been interviewed by Steve Kirsch, Steve Bannon, Mike Adams of Natural News, and many others. She speaks regularly, including on Clay Clark’s Re-Awaken America tour, Defeat the Mandates LA, COVIDCON, and at many rallies and protests.

Alix grew up in the Oscar Mayer family. She is a graduate of Duke University (BA) and the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University.


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