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June 9 History-Making Dinner
Join us, June 9, 2024 and let's make history together!
by Alix Mayer,
May 14, 2024
make medical freedom history with us

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We’re offering you another opportunity to Make Medical Freedom History with Us!

Hi! It’s Aimee Rickabus and Alix Mayer, of Free Now Foundation, the non-profit defending medical freedom in California, and winning! This invitation is for YOU, in first person: this is not a public landing page. It’s only for those privately invited to this dinner. 

On May 3rd in Orange County, a couple dozen people gathered who wanted to make history in California — to bring back the legal medical exemption. Quite a few couldn’t attend the first dinner and others wanted us to host another one! We are thrilled to invite you to our June 9, history-making dinner. 



Since 2020 it’s been nearly impossible to get a medical exemption from vaccination for vulnerable California children. Or so we thought!

We all remember when Newsom signed SB276 into law. It made vaccination de facto compulsory for K12 students. The medical exemption has to be written by a California medical doctor. It has to be entered into the California Immunization Registry, ironically called CAIR. (As if.) Then the Department of Public Health gets to override almost every medical exemption we’ve heard of. Then the schools say “No shots, no school.” 

This has led to both #SCHOOLEXIT and #CALEXIT as the only ways to get around this requirement.

Despite this epic loss of parental and medical rights, Free Now Foundation has partnered with the doctor and legal team writing these successful medical exemptions, and we have found a legal way forward. 



2019 was a grim year. We remember the battleground well.

We remember thousands of us protesting this bill outside the Sacramento Capitol a dozen times, compared to the sedate one-hundred in support who appeared in a hearing room one day. 

We remember extreme acts of protest, like moms chaining themselves to the Capitol doors, fierce speeches by Leigh Dundas, Esq. and the three Freedom Angels defiantly standing on chairs holding American flags in the distress position – upside down – long after hearings ended



Things are about to change. There is one doctor getting legal medical exemptions for students! Most of the exemptions he submits are approved. This doctor has pulled rabbit after rabbit out of hats to get children into school in California, and keep them safe from the harms of vaccination. He’s not a medical doctor. And, he doesn’t live in California! This out-of-state doctor and his medical and legal team have proven – after having thousands of exemptions accepted – that in most cases you can get a legal medical exemption in California. Now, Free Now Foundation intends to prove it in court, once and for all.

No more abuse. 

Won’t you join us June 9 for this very special Laguna Beach dinner to learn how he is legally doing this? This doctor can submit legal exemptions for your kids and grandkids for K-12 school, and even for college students and employees. You’ll also learn about the case Free Now Foundation intends to file to put the reins back in the hands of parents and doctors.

This is our June 9, history-making dinner. We’ll be proud to say it all started here, with you.

This very special dinner has been arranged by the generosity of Aimee Rickabus.

One of our favorite chefs and freedom-lovers, Chef Lindsay Smith of Nirvana Grill, will serve us an inspired, sustainable dinner at her farm-to-table restaurant in Laguna Beach.

Please confirm your seat(s) by registering now.



P.S. One of our esteemed board members, Richard Fox, MD & JD is the only vaccine-optional pediatrician in California. He doesn’t write medical exemptions, but if you need a friendly & experienced medical doctor as your child’s pediatrician, he is here for you. 


Alix Mayer

About the Author, Alix Mayer

Alix Mayer is Chairman and co-founder of Free Now Foundation, since April 2023. In the 1990s, at the age of 29, Alix ran a worldwide research group at Apple until the Hepatitis B vaccine physically disabled her and gave her brain damage. She calls her decades-long disability her “Runner-up Darwin Award” for not researching vaccines prior to rolling up her sleeve. After gaining a substantial recovery, she worked as a health consultant for a decade, before retiring and volunteering 100% of her time to serve on the Board at Children’s Health Defense and co-found the California Chapter of CHD, where she served as Board Chairman.

Alix’s presentation on the creation of the fake “Supra-emergency” to suspend our Bill of Rights during lockdowns was recognized by Dr. Mercola as one of his “Best of 2022” interviews. She has also been interviewed by Steve Kirsch, Steve Bannon, Mike Adams of Natural News, and many others. She speaks regularly, including on Clay Clark’s Re-Awaken America tour, Defeat the Mandates LA, COVIDCON, and at many rallies and protests.

Alix grew up in the Oscar Mayer family. She is a graduate of Duke University (BA) and the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University.

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